Russian FSB notification (Federal Security Bureau notification)
. The international legislation of the Customs Union provides for the restriction of special equipment, including products with encryption or cryptography. For the legal import of such goods into the Russian Federation, a notification or another authorizing document from the authorized state body is required.
The complete list of commodity categories for whose import notification is necessary for customs is provided in section 2.19 of the
Uniform inventory, to which a ban or restrictions on import or export by member states of the Customs Union within the Eurasian Economic Community in trade with the third countries are applied. According to this document, among other goods of civil appointment,
FSB notification is required for the import of various electronic modules and computers, wired and wireless means of communication.
Federal Security Bureau notification is also required for the import of software containing encryption (cryptographic) equipment, regardless of media.
FSB notifications on goods containing means of enciphering and cryptography in the Russian Federation are registered by the Federal security service. The federal security service keeps account of means of encryption, registers notifications on goods and carries out data exchange with customs. The
Federal Security Bureau notification for the import of goods is made out for any term. Obtaining notification for the import of goods is made out on the basis of a statement of the manufacturer or the Russian legal entity authorized to carry out the functions of the manufacturer.
Document title: | Russian FSB notification |
Maximum validity: | no limits |
Document is required for: | customs clearance, realization |
Document is issued to: | manufacturer or authorized entity |
Tax: | no |
Lead time: | 10 working days |
Cost: | USD 200 |
The provisions of international agreements take precedence over the relevant Russian laws and regulations do not supersede national legislation in this area. Therefore, the
Federal Security Bureau notification is usually not the only necessary permit. According to international or national legislation, the
Russian EAC certificate, the
Russian CCC certificate, the
Russian RFC certificate or a
Russian EAC license can be demanded in addition.