
Russian CCC certificate (Communications Compliance certificate)

is the certificate of conformity obligatory at the point of realization in the domestic market of the Russian Federation, or of operation of goods relating to means of communication. The complete list of categories of communication equipment whose operation requires the Communications Compliance certificate is provided in the Resolution "On the Approval of the List of the Means of Communication Subject to Obligatory Certification". The Communications Compliance certificate is required on various wired and wireless means of communication:
  • Means of communication, works as a switching systems (hardware communication centers, telephone exchanges, switches);
  • Means of communication, works as a digital transport systems (switches and routers for data networks, PDH, SDH, etc.);
  • Communication facilities for management and monitoring of networks;
  • Billing equipment;
  • Radio-electronic means of communication (satellite stations, base stations, television or radio broadcasting);
  • Servers, including software, providing communications services;
  • Terminal equipment, connecting to the public telecommunications network (mobile phones and terminals, tablets and laptops).

In some cases, the CCC certificate is not issued. Usually this involves communication means used to process communication networks having no single connection to a telecommunications network. The Communications Compliance certificate does not need to be issued for Wi-Fi access points, or for home use or personal use of Bluetooth devices. Also, the CCC certificate is not made out on means of communication on which there are no obligatory requirements regarding compliance of technical characteristics. For example, the Communications Compliance certificate is not made out on GPS and GLONASS receivers.

Document title:Russian CCC certificate
Maximum validity:3 years
Document is required for:realization, operation
Document is issued to:manufacturer or authorized entity
Lead time:20 working days
Price:USD 4000

The provisions of international agreements take precedence over the relevant Russian laws and regulations do not supersede national legislation in this area. Therefore, the CCC certificate is usually not the only necessary permit. According to international or national legislation, the Russian EAC certificate, the Russian RFC certificate, the Russian FSS notification or a Russian EAC license can be demanded in addition.

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